D: Securing the Lock Body and Side Plate After locking the half-round head screw of the side plate, lock all the countersunk screws, and then remove the half-round head screws to drill holes in the appropriate positions for wiring. Finally, lock the lock body with hexagonal wrench on the side plate.
C: Adjust the position of the side plate so that the side plate is positioned in the same position as the iron plate so that the lock body can be brought into close contact with the iron plate
Step 4: Follow the instructions in the manual.
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Step 5: cover the cover, the small aluminum cylinder into the lock screw hole in the main body.
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B: Install side plate, the side plate with two semi-round head screws in the previous hole on the door frame (fixed in the side plate of the elongated hole). Caution: Do not lock the side plate so that it can be moved back and forth to facilitate the correction of the position.
Step 3:
A: Fix iron plate, insert the hexagon socket screw into the iron plate, and place the rubber varnish between the two pieces of metal varnish and then cover the hexagon socket screw. Will follow the iron plate into the door to play the three holes, while the mushroom head from the other side of the door into the use of hexagonal wrench will follow the iron plate locked on the door.
As we know electro-magnetic door lock is very important for access comntrol of automatic door. It can limit people access from inside or outside door. So, How to install electromagnetic door lock ?
Step 2: Take out the mounting board, fold the cardboard along the dotted line and place the cardboard in the required lock position, then puncture the place where the punch is needed.
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Step1: Use a screwdriver to open the cover, and then hexagonal wrench side board, ready to install.
Vincent Hu